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$58,281 in Educator Grants Awarded by Klein ISD Education Foundation

$58,281 in Educator Grants Awarded by Klein ISD Education Foundation

Klein ISD Education Foundation (KEF) directors, community members, and our Superintendent, Dr. Jenny McGown, made surprise visits aboard the KEF Celebration Express, delivering $58,281 in innovative classroom grants.

School staff across the district were stunned and overjoyed as dozens of Foundation supporters poured out of a school bus to deliver oversized checks to grant recipients.

“Rewarding phenomenal teachers with generously donated funds is a truly remarkable experience. With these grants, our educators are able to turn their innovative ideas into a reality. This is one of the many ways we continue our tradition of excellence and innovation in Klein ISD,” Dr. McGown said. “I am so grateful to the Klein ISD Education Foundation and our generous grant sponsors for making today such an exciting day for our Klein Family.”

This spring, the KEF Celebration Express delivered grants for innovative programs that will bring education to life for our learners in various ways. These grants were made possible by the support of numerous loyal community partners. 

“Celebration Express Day is always the best day of the semester, and today was no exception,” Klein ISD Education Foundation Director Christy Spisak said. “We are so incredibly grateful to our educators who go above and beyond to enhance and personalize the learning experience for our students, as well as for our dedicated and generous sponsors who allow us to continue our mission to support Klein ISD!”

Thank you so much to our grant sponsors who made all this possible. Your generous contribution will help further the educational experience of every Klein ISD student. 

The Klein ISD Education Foundation accepts grant applications twice a year to encourage, facilitate, and recognize creative projects that lead to academic achievement for our Klein ISD students.

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Klein ISD has an established 85-year history of excellence and innovation in education with unique pathways for EVERY student in our care to ensure learners are college, career, military, and life ready. With recognition for STEM, athletics, fine arts, and academics from highly-esteemed organizations, it is clear that our shared vision of every student entering with a promise and exiting with a purpose is a reality for EVERY student who walks through our doors.

About Klein ISD
Klein ISD is a school district in Klein, Texas, located in northwestern Harris County. The district spans approximately 88 square miles and serves more than 54,000 students in 33 elementary schools, 10 intermediate campuses, one high school program of choice, and 5 high schools.

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Klein ISD is Triple A Academics Arts Athletics


Klein ISD is Triple A!

Academics, Arts, and Athletics.
Klein ISD has an established an over 80-year history of excellence and innovation in education with unique pathways for EVERY student in our care to ensure learners are college, career, military, and life ready. With recognition for academics, arts, and athletics from highly-esteemed organizations, it is clear that Our Shared Vision of every student entering with a promise and exiting with a purpose is a reality for EVERY student who walks through our doors.

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